Moel Goedog hillfort is on top of the hill far left.
Image credit: A. Brookes (10.11.2021)
Moel Goedog hillfort is on top of the hill far left.
Looking towards Y Rhinogydd. Stone D can be seen far left.
Looking towards Moel Goedog hillfort.
September 2014
September 2014
September 2014
September 2014
September 2014
September 2014
Stone C from SW
Stone C from SE
Following along the same road as Carreg and Moel y sensigi pass through a gate. Just before the road forks on a wide grass verge next to the road on the left is this small very thin standing stone.
Tiny compared to the other stones in the area.
It stands to the W of the road, just S of where the track braches off to Moel Goedog.
Coflein description: “Standing stone 1m high by 0.5m by 0.18m, leaning slightly to the W.”