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Naboth's Vineyard

Round Barrow(s)

Nearest Town:Cowbridge (7km S)
OS Ref (GB):   ST00748068 / Sheet: 170
Latitude:51° 30' 56.8" N
Longitude:   3° 25' 50.38" W

Added by Rhiannon

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Visited 19.8.13

On the outskirts of Llanharry; north of the pretty market town of Cowbridge.
The Barrow is in a field adjacent to the Fox and Hounds pub. Parking is available either in the pub or in a lay by next to the field gate giving access to the field.

I thought I had visited all the Barrows in the Vale but somehow I missed this one until I spotted it on an O/S map I recently purchased. Time to put that right!

It was a pleasant late summers evening and I was able to hop over the rusty gate and walk over to Barrow without getting wet – for a change. The Barrow is actually easily visible from the gate if you would rather not trespass.

For this part of the world the Barrow is large and in good condition. It is approximately 1m high x 25m across. The field was in pasture with no animals present so access was no problem.

When I reached the Barrow I noticed the remains of a small brick building and some sort of concrete ‘box’ structure which had been built into the eastern side of the Barrow.

As I said, the Barrow is a good one and well worth a quick look when in the area.
Posted by CARL
20th August 2013ce


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'Naboth's Vineyard' is an episode from the bible (which you can read online at the Electronic Text Centre , courtesy of the University of Virginia)

It's a rather gruesome tale in which King Ahab hankers after the lowly Naboth's nice vineyard, and because Naboth won't sell it to him, he conspires to have him done away with.

Does this tale relate to some kind of similar legendary incident in Llanharry? Could the barrows even have been incorporated into a local story? And if not, why would the field be called this strange name?
Rhiannon Posted by Rhiannon
21st March 2006ce
Edited 21st March 2006ce


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A photo of the intricately decorated and burnished beaker found in the barrow in 1929. There's also a picture of the excavators.

There used to be two barrows here but the other one was destroyed when they put in a gas pipeline.
Rhiannon Posted by Rhiannon
21st March 2006ce
Edited 6th June 2007ce