
Image of Hunterheugh North East (Cairn(s)) by rockandy

Destruction of the deep heather by fire reveals two cairns. The larger cairn has been much disturbed and stones removed to build a small shelter on the edge of the cairn along with a circular wall, probably an animal pen.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh North East (Cairn(s)) by Hob

View of the cairns from the east end of the crags

Image credit: IH
Image of Hunterheugh North East (Cairn(s)) by Hob

Part of the ciarn, but unlikely to be prehistoric.

Image credit: IH


Hunterheugh North East

No much to see here, overgrown with tall heather, very disturbed, but definitely cairns. There’s a little rectangle carved into a stone on the north side of the northern cairn. Looks like it was made with metal tools, no idea how old. Possibly some kind of boundary marker thing.
Supposedly there’s a cist in one of them. I couldn’t find it amongst the rubble and heather. Couldn’t make out any kerbs either, but they’re so overgrown with heather, there may be kerbstones hidden.
There may be marked stones in there somewhere, maybe even marked bedrock, similar to those found beneath the excavated cairn at Hunterheugh 1 further up the crags.

Sites within 20km of Hunterheugh North East