E part of rock: deep cup and groove with enclosing penannular cut in a circular depression.
E part of rock: deep cup and groove with enclosing penannular cut in a circular depression.
Subtle cup and ring motifs on E part of rock surface.
E part of rock surface. Motfis cut into a flat rounded basin.
Cup and partial ring on exposed W part of rock surface.
Had the chance of a later visit, better weather and a closer look at the stone surface. Close up of cups and grooves on quarried W edge of outcrop.
Cup-marked rock in a difficult position on the E of the path from Caller Crags to Snook Bank. The W side has been quarried, the surface is covered with pine needles and the E side overgrown with heather and dense trees.
The Beckensall archive records about 50 cups of various sizes, some with partial rings. The rock surface had been brushed when I visited providing yet another example of human disturbance to Northumberland rock-art sites. I couldn’t relate anything in my poor photo to Stan’s illustration (but that’s always a trouble I have).