
Image of Hunterheugh 8 and 9 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Another view (from vertically above) of one of the large carved stones in the Settlement area. There has been millstone extraction from part of Hunterheugh Crags nearby (there are some broken fragments) and locals interpret these too as millstones. Could they instead be the base of large in situ querns? The huge slab this carving is on may have been moved to its current position as rabbits have partly burrowed underneath.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh 8 and 9 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Hunterheugh 8a; view N towards Hunterheugh Crags. Eroded cup & groove are just right of marker.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh 8 and 9 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Cup-marked and massively-quarried outcrop; view to W. Eroded probable cups are found on the main slab and on the small detached rock below.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh 8 and 9 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Cup-marked and massively-quarried outcrop; view to E. Main part of outcrop facing the camera has a possible cup and ring obscured by lichen.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh 8 and 9 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Hunterheugh 9; stone with cup-marked surface was set up vertically at the left hand side of the entrance to the Romano-British enclosure. One of the large carved rock ‘millstones’ is reached through this entrance.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh 8 and 9 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Hunterheugh 9; stone with cup-marked vertical surface at entrance to Romano-British enclosure.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh 8 and 9 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Massively carved outcrop near the Settlement at Hunterheugh Crags. Possibly, more ‘kitchen utensil’ than ‘rock-art’.

Image of Hunterheugh 8 and 9 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Massively carved outcrop near the Settlement at Hunterheugh Crags. Possibly more ‘kitchen utensil’ than ‘rock-art’.

Image credit: Rockandy

Sites within 20km of Hunterheugh 8 and 9