
Image of Hunterheugh 4 and 5 (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by Hob

Looks like an enhanced natural feature to me. Single cup mark top right.

Image credit: IH
Image of Hunterheugh 4 and 5 (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by Hob

The C&Rs are in the background, the single cup and the possibly enhanced basin in the foreground.

Image credit: IH
Image of Hunterheugh 4 and 5 (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by Hob

Hunterheugh 4, detail of the most prominent C&R.

Image credit: IH
Image of Hunterheugh 4 and 5 (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by Hob

Cup mark a couple of metres north of the markings listed on the Beckensall Archive. Next to a natural (enhnaced?) shallow basin.

Image credit: IH


Hunterheugh 4 and 5

The easternmost of the currently recorded Hunterheugh motifs, Hunterheugh 4 is a set of faint cups with single rings. These are recorded on the Beckensall Archive as such. It’s not easy to say if there are 3 or 4 C&Rs as they are quite worn away.

There’s another single cup a couple of metres away to the NE, next to what looks like a natural feature that’s been enhanced into a shallow basin.

The other possibly significant thing about this site is the way the line of C&Rs seem to point to the peculiar natural feature of Cloudy Crags on Aydon moor to the south.

Sites within 20km of Hunterheugh 4 and 5