
Image of Hunterheugh 6 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Interesting new find at Hunterheugh: the ‘perforated’-rock. A multi-cupped slab between Hunterheugh 6 and the Crags.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh 6 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Small cup-marked portable among remains of possible cairn near Hunterheugh 6; view to W.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh 6 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Small cup-marked portable among remains of possible cairn near Hunterheugh 6. Peck marks are visible in the crude cups and grooves in the normally turf-covered part.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Hunterheugh 6 (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Hunterheugh 6; cup-marked outcrop, view of Hunterheugh Crags to the E. The outcrop to the right, behind the main one, is surrounded by a rough, boulder enclosure.

Image credit: Rockandy

Sites within 20km of Hunterheugh 6