
Image of Lemmington Wood (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by rockandy

View of the marked outcrop. A difficult place for photography under trees and rhododendron bushes.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Lemmington Wood (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by rockandy

Two cups connected by a straight groove. One with a single ring and the other with a double ring or penannular.

Image credit: Rockandy


Lemmington Wood

The carvings are on the very southernmost chunk of the ridge of outcrop. It’s pretty easy to find, just off to the left of the path from the road. The trees have been thinned so it’s not too difficult to get there, though it’s steep when you get to the actual utcrop, so not suitable for anything with wheels, or those unsteady on the feet.

I got the distinct impression that the people who added the runes may have slightly enhanced the cup and ring, as the inner parts of the grooves look to have traces of metal tooling. I think they may have added the hotizontal line bistecting the motif, as it’s very thin, doesn’t look picked out, and seems to be an enhancement of a natural features on the surface of the rock. It’s also unlike anything in any other RA in this part of the world.

It was nice to bump into the landowner who chatted for a couple of minutes explaining his awareness an interest in the carving, and he seemed quite chuffed to hear that it’s the only one with runes next to it. Not quite a rosetta stone, but as close as we get.

Lemmington Wood

We visited this site on 19 May 2004. It’s a kind of hard to find (and photograph!) due to a thick roof of rhododendron leaves. A nice combination of prehistoric cup-and-rings and much later runes. A meeting point of two worlds!

Lemmington Wood

This cup and ring motif is on the top edge of a rock outcrop located within Lemmington Wood to the north of Rothley Crags near Alnwick. Adjacent to the motif is a runic inscription.

Sites within 20km of Lemmington Wood