
Image of Football Cairn (e) (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by Hob

The basin is the thing just to the left of the image.

Image credit: IH


Football Cairn (e)

A modest, yet nicely executed bit of rock art.
Two motifs, each with a couple of rings, either side of an enhanced natural basin, directly above what looks like a rock shelter. It’s quite licheny, and when you pour water on the motifs, it trickles down quite nicely into the basin.

There’s a vague line of stones running from here back up the hill to the cairn, but it’s so disturbed, and there are so many other stones lying about, it’s probably just my imagination.

The outcrop is the lowest, and last on the ridge to the north of the cairn, where the land dips down.

GPS stuff: NU 04739 03139, elevation 234m

Sites within 20km of Football Cairn (e)