
Image of Crocky’s Heugh (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Similar view to the one in the Beckensall Archive. It was a great help in finding the rock without an accurate position.

Image credit: Rockandy
Image of Crocky’s Heugh (Cup Marked Stone) by rockandy

Several quite large cups, some with apparent rings, but all very eroded. Also shallow grooves on the surface and two cups on the SW edge below the heather.

Image credit: Rockandy


Crocky’s Heugh

Almost as good a name as Snook Bank.

Visited this site today with David and found it with the help of Stan’s slide photo in the Archive taken in 1993. Maybe noone has seen it since then! It was too cold for hanging about and after a short look round we headed home for a late breakfast.

The rounded, cup-marked boulder commands a fine view over the valley to the N and E. There are several large cups, some with possible faint rings and grooves running down the rock surface and there are two more cups on one edge.

Another cup-marked rock, Crocky’s Heugh b, is apparently in the same area but we didn’t find it this visit. The Archive describes it as a massive rock table in a quarry. There are many small quarries all over these slopes and a large amount of stone has been removed from the area.

Sites within 20km of Crocky’s Heugh