

Great Bradford Wood

Details of site on Pastscape

Earthwork remains of a sub-rectangular enclosure, date and purpose uncertain.

[Area : ST 847 605] A circular earthwork in Great Bradford Wood lies near the middle of the wood and is crossed by a ride. It has a diameter of 170 feet and the bank and ditch are 25 feet wide. The earthwork may be associable with a local custom of allowing the public to enter the wood on Good Friday. (1)
The earthwork, sub-rectangular in plan and cut from NW to SE by a ride, is situated on generally level ground at ST 8457 6051. To the north of the ride it consists, of a ditch with an inner and outer bank but to the south there is no trace of the inner bank. There is a square depression in the NE corner, (a hut or building site?).
No original entrance is visible and it has therefore probably been utilised by the ride. It is certainly of some antiquity though date and purpose are rather obscure. Very unlikely to be associated with any local festival. Surveyed at 1/2500. (2)


Great Bradford Wood

Magic provides the following:

This pretty tiny prehistoric earthwork enclosure has been classified as a ‘Martin Down Enclosure’ (after an example in Dorset) – an unusual type of construction, of which archaeologists have seen fit to classify less than 20 in the country. It’s on the summit of a small rise above the River Avon and (without the trees) would have impressive views over the river and the vale beyond.

There’s an inner bank (barely visible), a ditch (with well defined edges) and an outer bank (up to 1m high) enclosing a rectangularish
area. Perhaps the outer bank was built in medieval times for a livestock pound, as it’s unusual for a prehistoric feature.

It probably dates from the Late Bronze Age, and was probably a domestic settlement.

However, it’s on private land so getting to visit it may not be possible – but as a prehistoric site on the edge of the apparently prehistorically empty area between here and the Marlborough Downs, I thought it was worth including.

Sites within 20km of Great Bradford Wood