
Beacon Barrow
Round Barrow(s)

Details of barrow on Pastscape

[ST 7709 5920] Tumulus [G.T.] (1) This barrow, 74 yds. in circumference and 4-5 ft. high is an O.S. trig. station and has been hollowed to ground level. There are four conifers in the hollow. Skinner calls it “Beacon Barrow”. Three Roman coins of Gallienus, Probus and Constantine were found when firs were planted on the barrow, they were shown to Skinner by Capt. Symonds. (2) Scheduled. (3) A ditchless barrow 1.2m high hollowed in the centre to a depth
of 1.0m. No ground evidence could be found to suggest that this was a beacon. Surveyed at 1/2500. (4)