This doesn’t mention ‘Lugbury’ as a name and rather backs up Moss’s assertion that it was a later invention:
Account of a Long Barrow in the Parish of Nettleton, adjoining to that of Littleton Drew, Co. Wilts.
..having for many years past, cast a longing eye upon this singular vestige of early British Antiquity, I at length, in the year 1821, put my long-intended plans into execution..
..Our operations commenced on the 8th of October, and a stout body of spade-men, with our able pioneer, John Parker, at their head, began their work, which was rather arduous, the whole of the barrow being almost entirely constructed with loose stones. Being determined to spare neither trouble nor expense in developing the history of this singular tumulus, and hoping to find our Wiltshire maiden, intacta et inviolata*, we determined to make a complete section along the centre of the mound..
They dug down to the original soil suface and found ‘many pieces of charcoal’ from cremations or rituals, and a layer of flat stones on the bottom and sides. There was a ‘rude arch’ of similar stones beneath the chamber at the eastern end. Then they had to down tools until the owner had had a look. Also the ever-busy Rev. Skinner drew some pictures. Lots of people turned up on the 11th when they opened the interment 30ft from the eastern end of the barrow, and found a skeleton in a curled up position with a ‘lancet’ style flint tool near the head.
He didn’t get to have a go at the ‘Cromlech’,
for, though a zealous Antiquary, and anxious to dive as deeply as possible into the womb of time, I could not conscientiously endanger the falling of the stones... curiosity was satisfied by ascertaining the history of this tumulus, notwithstanding the disappointment experienced in not being able to venture on that deposit which was probably placed beneath the huge superimpending stones at the East end, which have hitherto, and I hope ever will protect the bones of the antient Briton.
Just as I’m getting irritated with Sir Richard Colt Hoare’s barrow raiding, he comes out with something like the end paragraph, and I know I would have been simpering round the barrow like all the other lady visitors. But I’m not sure I can forgive him the silly ‘maiden’ remark* even considering it was 1821.
From p160-161 of The Gentleman’s Magazine, v92 (Jan-June 1822). Online at Google Books.