

Knook Barrows
Long Barrow

Details of destroyed Long Barrow (“Knook 5”) on Pastscape

Long barrow on Knook Down (Grinsell’s Knook 5), contained 4 inhumations. Had well defined ditches, destroyed 1939-45
(ST 96754625) Long Barrow (GT) (site of) (1)
A small long barrow, excavated by W Cunnington in 1801. One single and a group of three inhumation burials were found, described by Grinsell as a primary deposit, and a ‘circular cist’ nearly 3 feet deep but without finds. Grinsell describes it as 78 feet long with well defined ditches but destroyed 1939-45. (2-3)
The long barrow is in a military firing range and no trace of it can now be seen. (4)
Recorded in an earlier source than authority 2 as Knook 5. (5)
ST 967462 Knook 5 (Kinnes ST 36) Mortuary area located near to centre with pit, four crouched inhumations with heads to northeast. Had a covering of black earth. Mound comprised chalk rubble. (6)
The barrow is situated on the Downs about 2km to the S of Imber and was investigated by RCHME field staff as part of the SPTA project. It lies on the crest of a spur and is not visible from the valley to the N, and while there are good views N to Wadmans Coppice and E to Chapperton Down and beyond, it is overlooked by the higher ground of Knook Down in the S. The monument is aligned E-W and is now extremely difficult to interpret as a result of severe shelling and tank activity at some time in the past.
The mound, only parts of which survive, appears to have measured about 25m in length, 12m wide and 1m high. Of the flanking ditches, that to the S is about 7m wide x 0.4m deep. Cunnington however, refers to it as being 75 ft in length, and 54ft wide. The barrow lies within a ?prehistoric field system and a field bank abuts the E end of the barrow, while a linear ditch aligned on the W end of the mound runs N-S. Further details can be found within the project archive. (7)

( 1) Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 6” 1961
( 2) General reference Anc Wilts, 1, 1812, 86 (R C Hoare)
( 3) General reference V C H Wilts 1, 1957, 141 (L V Grinsell)
( 4) Field Investigators Comments F1 ANK 04-OCT-68
( 5) General reference WAM 38, 1913-14, 274, 392 (Rev E.H Goddard)
( 6) General reference British Museum Occasional Paper 52, 1992, 10, 25 (I. Kinnes)
( 7) General reference D. Field/11-12-95/RCHME:SPTA Project


Knook Barrows
Long Barrow

Details of Long Barrow on Pastscape

A Neolithic long barrow originally designated as Knook 2 by Grinsell (1957). The barrow survives as an earthwork orientated north-north-east to south-south-west, measuring 33.5 metres long and 19.5 metres wide, with side ditches 6 metres wide. Excavation carried out by W Cunnington in 1801-3 located a primary deposit of seven or eight cremated bodies on a flint pavement covered by a cairn of sarsens and flints. Four headless inhumations orientated north-south were also recorded. No dating evidence was found with these burials but it has been suggested these may be Saxon in date. The barrow was re-opened by J. Thurnam in 1866 without result.

(ST 95614461) Knook Barrow (T1) Long Barrow (GT) (1)
Knook Barrow is a long barrow, 100 feet long and 50 feet wide and about 6 feet high according to Grinsell and oriented north-north-east/south-south-west. It was excavated by W Cunnington in 1801-2 when its dimensions were 90 feet by 50 and 8 feet high. He found a primary deposit of 7 or 8 cremated bodies on a flint pavement covered by a cairn of sarsens and flints. Four headless inhumations may be Saxon secondary burials. The barrow was re-opened by Thurnam without result. M E Cunnington comments that the ditches were invisible. (2-4)
Knook Barrow is a ditched long barrow orientated northeast-southwest.
It is in good condition and has a maximum height of 2.6metres. The ditches, which stop short of the ends of the mound, are broad and shallow with a maximum depth of 0.5 metres.
Published survey, (1:2500) revised. (5)
No change; report of 13-MAR-1969 correct. (6)
Originally recorded as Knook 2 by Goddard. (7)
Knook Barrow, No. ST31, Crematorium deposit at east end, mound comprised of chalk rubble. (8)
A long barrow measuring 33.5 metres northeast-southwest and 19.5 metres wide. The side ditches are 6 metres wide. (9)

( 1) Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 6”, 1961
( 2) edited by R B Pugh and Elizabeth Crittall 1957 A history of Wiltshire: volume 1, part 1 The Victoria history of the counties of England Page(s)141
( 3) General reference History of Ancient South Wilts. 1, 1812, 83 (R Colt Hoare).
( 4) The Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine M E Cunnington 38, 1913-4 Page(s)412-4
( 5) Field Investigators Comments F1 ANK 13-MAR-69
( 6) Field Investigators Comments F2 MJF 25-JUN-75
( 7) The Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine E.H Goddard 38, 1913-4 Page(s)274
( 8) General reference British Museum Occasional Paper 52. Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in British Neolithic 1992, 11, 25 (I. Kinnes)
(9) by Audrey Meaney 1964 A gazetteer of early Anglo-Saxon burial sites Page(s)269-70

Sites within 20km of Knook Barrows