


Monument No. 208153

Details of site on Pastscape

An Early Bronze Age flat bronze axe and a palstave from Bradford are both in Exeter Museum. It has been suggested that they may have been found together because both have similar pocked surfaces, although this is hardly the firmest of evidence.
An E/MBA flat bronze axe and a loopless palstave from Bradford have similar pocked surfaces and are probably associable. They are in Exeter Musuem. (1)



Details of site on Pastscape

[ST 8212 6115 and ST 8216 6113 (3)] (1)
In a field, known as Bed and Bolster field, Budbury, earthworks were visible and some in adjoining pieces of ground before they were levelled to make gardens (2). G. Underwood made hasty excavations in earthworks at Budbury before they were wrecked by a housing scheme. He identified two barrows within a circular enclosure formed by a bank with an inner ditch. [Sited from plan] E.B.A. sherds were recovered and a skeleton found but not removed. Bed and Bolster field contained an arc of another bank, 100 feet SE of the first circle. Grinsell lists them as undated earthworks and also as barrows and suggests an EBA primary inhumation in the larger mound. A fragment of a mound, at ST 8212 6115 is visible on A.Ps. (2-4)
No earthworks are visible in this area of extensive modern development. (5)



I think this poor promontory fort only survives now in the name of a few roads – I’m not even sure that the roads follow the curve of its boundary..

ST 821611. A “burial mound” due to be destroyed by building development was in fact the last vestige of the rampart of a double-ditched promontory fort of Early Iron Age date.
The remainder of the rampart – some 370 metres in length – had been totally destroyed by gardens and buildings. Within the rampart occurred the remains of a rectangular building 6m x 3m with an internal clay hearth. This building and its environs produced great quantities of EIA pottery together with domestic appliances and metal objects. [..]

(this is the summary on BIAB of J G Wainwright’s 1970 article in WANHM )

Another dig took place in 2009.

Sites within 20km of Budbury