
Image of Lansdown Race Field Barrows (Round Barrow(s)) by moss

This is probably the barrow mentioned, on the other side of the fence to the right is a very faint ’ paired’ barrow, a feature of the Lansdown barrows. Both were hardly visible to the eye. 2005 photo......

Image credit: moss



Lansdown Race Field Barrows
Round Barrow(s)

Details of Barrows on Pastscape

Two Bronze Age Barrows, one no longer visible, in Lansdown Race Field.
[ST 7189 6875 & ST 7192 6877] (2)
In Lansdown Race Field, two barrows were excavated in June 1908. Nothing was found in one and in the other, some sherds of ‘pre-Roman pottery’, calcined bones and flints, were found near the centre. An iron fence runs across the centre of the field and one of the barrows is 80 yards east of it, the other barrow being 84 ft. south-east of the first. (1) Indicated on small scales maps (3)(4). A small possible barrow 0.4m high at ST 71956875 probably one of the features excavated in 1908. Surveyed at 1/2500. There is no trace of the other mound. (5)

Sites within 20km of Lansdown Race Field Barrows