
Tumpy Field Barrows
Round Barrow(s)

Details of barrows on Pastscape

A group of five round barrows in Tumpy Field, Charmy Down, were excavated before their destruction in 1940. Four of them were confluent forming a composite mound 150 ft. long. Barrow 3, the most westerly, contained a cremation, shale bead and ring of shale. Barrow 4, the third from the west and 5, between 3 and 4, each contained a cremation. Barrow 6 at the east end contained a probable cremation in a cist, several 3rd/4th cent. Roman coins and R.B. pottery, also some I.A or Saxon pottery and late Roman or post Roman secondary inhumations. Barrow 7 a few feet to S.E. was too badly damaged to assess.
A circular pit 8 ft. west of No. 3 produced Ne. A. pottery, flints suggesting a working floor, and animal bones. (1)