


Little Down Camp Barrow
Round Barrow(s)

Details of Barrow on Pastscape

Round barrow or feature associated with enclosure, plus pillow mound, near the entrance to Little Down Camp.
[ST 7105 6887 & ST 7110 6883] Two round barrows, seen 17.3.25. [Authy. suggests that one is the barrow, No. 114, shown on
G.B. Wilts’ map in ‘Archaeological Handbook of Gloucester’, 1888, p.167.]
At ST 71066887, near the entrance to Little Down Camp, is a vaguely circular mound 0.8m high. It may be a barrow but could also be an incomplete bank flanking the camp entrance (see ST 76 NW 16.) At ST 71136880 is a large ditchless rectangular mound 1.0m high. This is almost certainly a pillow-mound. Surveyed at 1/2500.
1/2500 survey of 2.3.66 filed with ST 76 NW 16. (ST 71146880) Pillow Mound(NR)

Sites within 20km of Little Down Camp Barrow