
Claverton Down Barrow
Round Barrow(s)

Details of barrow on Pastscape Pastscape

[MARGINAL] A round barrow on Claverton Down, about 1/4 mile N.W. of Bath Statutory Hospital, was discovered in 1926 or 1927 by J.P.E. Falconer and reported to A.T. Wicks. Fragments of calcined bones, probably human, and a few small worked flints, were found on the surface in 1927 when the barrow was under the plough.(1) Falconer has the annotation ‘barrow’ at ST 77386313. (a) This spot has recently been ploughed but there is no visible soil mark or surface feature that may indicate a barrow. the farmer does not remember a mound anywhere in the vicinity. (2)