Visited 31.5.13
From Chippenham take the busy A4 west and then the first right. At the crossroads go right again and stop where the overhead power cables are. The Well is in the field to your left (east) near the trees where the pylon is.
Parking was difficult so Karen pulled in near Stowell Farm whilst I walked back down the road. Access to the overgrown meadow where the well is was via an old rusty field gate.
The sun was shining and felt warm on my back. The field appeared to have been left fallow and was a sea of buttercups, nettles and waist high grass. There were lots of butterflies to be seen. As well as the usual white ones there were many brown/red butterflies and one I had never seen before. It was white with bright orange tips on its wings – very pretty. I also saw two rabbits and disturbed two birds of prey, one of which hovered overhead – beautiful sight.
Despite the recent fine weather the ground near the stream running through the field was very boggy. Wellies would be required during wet weather.
I followed the stream up to where I expected the Well to be but I couldn’t find it.
The area where I think the Well is (near the pylon) was totally overgrown with nettles waist high. There was no way through that lot – particularly in shorts!
Although I was disappointed not to find the Well it was such a pretty walk in very tranquil surroundings (despite the pylon / cables) that I couldn’t be too disappointed.