
Fox Covert
Round Barrow(s)

Details of Barrows on Pastscape

Two Bronze Age bowl barrow one was reported in 1949 but is now no longer visible. The other survives as an earthwork 29.1m in diameter and 1m high. Scheduled.

(’A’: ST 78657770) Tumulus (GT) (1)
(’A’) A round or bowl barrows, 17 paces in diameter and 3 1/2 feet high, with a central mutilation.
(’B’) ST 78657777: A round barrow, 8 paces in diameter and 9 inches high, apparently on an ancient field boundary (ST 77 NE 4). Found by Grinsell, 1949. (2-3)
(A) – as described. Survey revised.
‘B’ – not visible. (4)
‘A’ – No change
‘B’ The field boundary is clearly visible but the barrow cannot be located. (5)