
Image of Roughlees (Enclosure) by Hob

Is this a henge, a defensivestructure with an inexplicable inner bank, or just a very circular cattle pen?
George Jobey and Jan Harding couldn’t really decide what it is. But it has a victorian railway running through it.

Image credit: IH
Image of Roughlees (Enclosure) by pebblesfromheaven

Taken from near Ewesley Farm, you can make out the outline of the enclosure just in front of the trees. Simonside in the background.


Image credit: Pebblethief



An very circular enclosure, that has had allegations of hengedom levelled in it’s direction. It does look as if the ditch is inside the bank, but there’s no berm, and only one entrance, to the west. To make matters more confused, an old raiway cutting slices one edge of the earthwork.

It also looked a bit dodgy as it wasn’t on a flat platform, it’s on the curve of a spur of Ewesly fell, which isn’t very hengey from what I know.

There’s another earthwork, rectangular, in the trees beyond.

Sites within 20km of Roughlees