
Image of Bloody Acre Camp (Hillfort) by Ike

Note: Strange Ball Thing in Picture. Probably Lens Flare, or Ghost ;-)

Image credit: Ike


Bloody Acre Camp

Ambience cannot be captured by pictures, only a visit will reveal it’s scale and feeling.

Access Notes: This fort appears to be on Private Land. The road past the fort is public access. Park just after M-Way bridge. Walk is about a Mile on rough track. The wood is used for pheasant rearing. Try and obtain permission first, I don’t know who to ask in area.


Bloody Acre Camp

At Cromhall, in Gloucestershire, there is a field called “Bloody Acre;” which name records a skirmish between Cromwell and the Royalists.

Notes and Queries, June 9th, 1855.

When in doubt, you may blame any of the following: Cromwell, The Romans, fairies, Danes, giants, The Devil, or (in moments of desperation) the Phoenicians.

Sites within 20km of Bloody Acre Camp