
Image of Nant Helygog (Cairn(s)) by thesweetcheat

Looking west towards the skyline Rhinogydd. The structure built into the centre of the cairn is a ruined shooting butt.

Image credit: A. Brookes (18.4.2023)
Image of Nant Helygog (Cairn(s)) by thesweetcheat

Western cairn, looking east towards Pen y Brynfforchog, with Glasgwm to the left. The eastern ring cairn is somewhere in the near-distance, but I didn’t look for it.

Image credit: A. Brookes (18.4.2023)



Nant Helygog

Coflein descriptions:

Western cairn (SH8010718561)

Located on the crest of a ridge. A cairn of stones and boulders, approx. 8m diameter, the edges part turf-covered. The centre was scooped out when a shooting butt was built inside it in the C19.
A ring cairn (300459) lies a short distance to the E.

Recorded as part of RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Project, W B Horton, H&H, 12/10/2012.

Eastern ring cairn (SH8021218589)

A ring of stones 11.5m in diameter, 2m thick and 0.2m high. The ring of stones is well defined and has no gap. The interior is level and largely stone free. Approximately 100m to the W is another cairn (nprn 300458).

Recorded as part of RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Project, W B Horton, H&H, 15/10/2012.

Sites within 20km of Nant Helygog