


Hill of Heddle
Round Barrow(s)

Under this heading come two records on the NW shoulder of the hill; a single barrow at HY34521343 and on a small spongy plateau roughly a hundred metres further NW a group of five centred on HY34421350 (with a possible outlier barrow to their west at HY34381347). The main barrow (NMRS no. HY31SW 17) under a stone scatter has at its centre a short cist, and also produced a cinerary urn (whereabouts presently unknown) – though the 1.3x0.9m capstone is still at the east side of the mound the cist itself is now bereft of its left side. The other barrows, 14-33’ D and 3’ height or less, come under NMRS no. HY31SW 18. ?Coincidentally the short cist sticking up through the mound at HY34431350 is also missing its west end. The large irregular 4’3"x2’ slab that used to sit on another mound, perhaps having been part of another cist, is missing too. Probably one of the group is a 9m D tumulus at HY34521354 that sits on a platform [as does the Howe-Harper cairn on the opposite hill, though there doubts have been raised about the platform].

Sites within 20km of Hill of Heddle