The barrow is in a field called 'Giant's Ground' and is said to be the grave of Giant Gorm (who appears in various local tales - eg that of Druid Stoke). The field is said to be the site of a great battle (- perhaps that refers to the demise of the giant?).
The barrow was also formerly known as Charleborow, whatever the derivation of that may be - perhaps the name of another purported occupant?
(information from the Somerset Historic Environment Record)
There isn't much left of this long barrow, according to the Somerset Historic Environment Record. It has been opened up twice in 'recent' history (1826 and 1909 - finding various human and animal bones, and a leaf-shaped flint arrowhead) and perhaps the Romans had a look, because pottery and coins from their era have been found too. The barrow is almost on the parish boundary, and is more of a bump these days (perhaps with some stones still remaining).
If you're easily amused you will be interested to hear that the stream valley to the north of the barrow is called 'Snail's Bottom'.