
Priddy 51
Long Barrow

Details of long barrow on Pastscape

[ST 55494978] LONG BARROW [GT]. (1) T.235(3) – investigations during 1947 showed this to be a much ploughed down long barow, but its present measurements of 80ft. long x 60ft wide cannot be regarded as indicating the original size. Oriented E – W, it is higher and wider at the eastern end with a maximum height of rather less than 2ft. No stones are visible other than those normally present in the soil, and there are no signs of a ditch. (2-3)
This is a poorly defined mound 1.0m. high at ST 55484979. Although slightly oval in plan – and regarded as a long barrow
(Priddy 51) by Grinsell – it appears more likely to be a bowl barrow that has been spread by ploughing. Surveyed at 1:2500. (4) ST 5549 4979: Mound claimed as a long barrow an shown as such on OS maps. Visited by Grinsell in September 1963 and considered by him to be a round barrow. (5)