Opposite the lay by for Pen Hill Long Barrow is a house. To the north, in the garden, you will find this fine looking Round Barrow.
Carefully walking along the verge of the busy A39 you can easily spot the Barrow covered in trees (Beech trees I assume?)
Next to the Barrow was a garden furniture set and someone had planted daffodils in the side of the Barrow.
Given the Barrow is clearly on private land I settled for the view from the roadside.
E.H. has this to say:
‘A Bronze Age Bowl Barrow situated in the south east corner of the garden at Beechbarrow. The mound of the barrow is slightly irregular in plan with an approx diameter of 20 metres and a max height of 2 metres. In common with other barrows in the area the mound is surrounded by a ditch from which material was quarried during its construction. This has become infilled but is likely to survive as a buried feature up to 2.5m wide’.