Visited 24.5.14
Next to the church of St Lawrence in the village of Priddy.
I can’t resist a church site so I had been wanted to visit these barrows for quite a while. There are two barrows near the church. Worth a look.
The first is 130m west of the church, next to a football pitch. It can be easily seen as a large grass covered mound from a metal field gate which gives access to the field.
E.H. state:
The barrow mound is 24m in diameter and 2m high.
The second barrow is 25m north of the church. It can be seen over the hedge at the back of the church. There was a handy compost heap to stand on! The barrow was covered in long grass and several sheep.
E.H. state:
The barrow is known as Priddy Glebe Barrow. It is 25m in diameter and 1.5m high. The barrow was partially excavated in 1894 by the Rev T Palmer, then vicar of the parish of Priddy. Finds from the site included a bronze knife, a bronze awl and some worked flints – now in Wells Museum.