Details of Barrows on Pastscape Pastscape
[ST 5372 5375, ST 5376 5365] TUMULI [GT] T.68 and T.69 (2) two simple bowl barrows. T.68:- 60ft. across and 9ft. high: disturbed by four filled-in trenches.
T.69: 54ft. across and 5 1/2ft. high: partley destroyed. Scheduled. (2-5)
T.68 (Grinsell’s West Harptree 11) is a bowl barrow 2.6 metres high. T.69 (Grinsell’s East Harptree 1) is a bowl barrow, 2.1 metres high, which has been mutilated on its southern side by the course of a wall. Surveyed at 1:2500 (6)