

Winterbourne Stoke Long Barrow
Long Barrow

‘Drive by’ 13.10.14

After visiting the new visitor centre at Stonehenge I kept an eye out for this longbarrow on our way south. I have known about this site for a long time but had never actually seen it. I am pleased to say that it is very easy to spot when driving past. There is no chance of parking near the longbarrow. I am not sure where the closest parking would be – the visitor centre main car park perhaps?


Winterbourne Stoke Long Barrow
Long Barrow

Details of Long Barrow on Pastscape

A Neolithic long barrow survives as earthworks at the south-western end of the Winterbourne Stoke Crossroads round barrow cemetery (Monument Number 219525). It comprises a long mound, up to 3m high, 83.7m long and 26.9m wide, which extends south-west / north-east and is flanked to either side by ditches. The mound has the appearance of two conjoined round barrows, but this is the result of extensive damage by excavation, animal burrowing and quarrying for chalk in the early 20th century. The long barrow was excavated by Thurnam in 1863, who found a primary inhumation and six secondary burials. The barrow was listed as Winterbourne Stoke Down 1 by Hoare (1812), and as Winterbourne Stoke 1 by Goddard (1913), Cunnington (1914), and Grinsell (1957). The long barrow was mapped from aerial photographs at a scale of 1:10,000 as part of the RCHME: Salisbury Plain Training Area NMP and the English Heritage Stonehenge WHS Mapping project. The long barrow was surveyed at a scale of 1:1000 in August 2009 as part of English Heritage’s Stonehenge WHS Landscape Project.

Sites within 20km of Winterbourne Stoke Long Barrow