
Image of Winterbourne Stoke Down Long Barrow by Chance

Remains of the Long Barrow with the Stonehenge Visitor Centre under Construction in the background

Image credit: Chance - Winter Solstice 2012



Winterbourne Stoke Down Long Barrow
Long Barrow

Details of Long Barrow on Pastscape

The earthwork remains of a long barrow orientated east-west. A 36m length of mound survives as a visible earthwork which varies in height from 1.5m to c.1m. The remainder of the mound is visible as a slight rise in the field surface. This long barrow was mapped at 1:10,000 scale as part of the RCHME: Salisbury Plain Training Area NMP project, and subsequently revised for the English Heritage Stonehenge WHS Mapping Project.

(SU 09174279) Long Barrow (NR) (1)
Grinsell’s Winterbourne Stoke 53. Oriented E-W, length 104ft, width 64ft, height 3 1/2ft. Side ditches vague, and mound badly damaged. (2)
Hoare’s No 3, which he opened with Cunnington. ? Primary cremation mixed with chalky marl, covered with a large pile of flints also mixed with chalky marl, found towards E end. Further E two cists containing large quantity of wood ashes. “Platform cremation”? (3)
A mutilated grass covered long barrow situated on a downland spur. Oriented E-W, it measures 36.0m long by 18.0m wide with the W end 1.7m high sloping (unusually) to 1.2m at the E end. All traces of the ditches noted by Grinsell have now been
destroyed. Re-surveyed at 1:2500. (4)
Originally recorded as Winterbourne Stoke 53 by Goddard (5)
(SU 092428) Winterbourne Stoke 53 (Kinnes, SU 66) Longbarrow orientated east, with Kinnes Type A ditches. Contained crematorium deposit at east end with burnt chalk and calcined bones, covered by a flint cairn. Also two deep pits with charcoal fills. (6)
Surveyed by RCHM. (7)
The earthwork remains of the long barrow described by the previous authorities was seen centred at SU 0916 4279 and was mapped at 1:10,000 scale as part of the RCHME: Salisbury Plain Training Area NMP project. It was subsequently revised at 1:2500 scale for the English Heritage Stonehenge WHS Mapping Project. The barrow lies within a later Prehistoric or Roman field system recorded as SU04SE 16. (8)

( 1) Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 6” 1961
( 2) General reference – Victoria County History: Wiltshire 1 1957 p146 (L V Grinsell)
( 3) General reference – Hist of Anc S Wilts 1 1812 117 plan (R Colt Hoare)
( 4) Field Investigators Comments – F1 PAS 21-NOV-74
( 5) General reference – Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 38, 1913-14, p367, p407 (E.H Goddard)
( 6) General reference – British Museum Occasional Paper 52, 1992, 11, 29 (I. Kinnes)
( 7) General reference – RCHME: South Wilts Project
( 8) General reference -

Sites within 20km of Winterbourne Stoke Down Long Barrow