
Image of Winterbourne Stoke West Group (Round Barrow(s)) by Chance
Image credit: Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2015. Open Source Environment agency LIDAR



Winterbourne Stoke West Group
Round Barrow(s)

Details of Barrow cemetery on Pastscape

A barrow cemetery comprising twelve barrows, nine of which are enclosed by The Coniger (SU 04 SE 83) a Medieval enclosure. The cemetery includes examples of bowl, disc, saucer and pond barrows which were excavated by Colt Hoare in 1809. The excavations located cremations in all but two of the barrows. The cremations were often placed within an inverted urn, two of which appeared to be wrapped in cloth, and were accompanied by grave goods which included a dagger and personal ornaments. Some of the finds are in Devizes Museum. One of the barrows, (SU 04 SE 78) also contained a Saxon inhumation with a knife. The barrows were surveyed by RCHME field staff in 1992 and were mapped at 1:10,000 scale as part of the RCHME: Salisbury Plain Training Area NMP project , and subsequently revised for the English Heritage Stonehenge WHS Mapping project..

SMR(SU 077420) Tumuli (NR). (1)
Barrows resurveyed at 1:2500 (2)
A group of 12 barrows, nine of which are enclosed by The Coniger (SU 04 SE 83) a Medieval enclosure. The cemetery includes examples of bowl, disc, saucer and pond barrows (3-4). Excavations by Colt Hoare in 1809 located cremations in all but two of the barrows. The cremations were often placed within an inverted urn, two of which appeared to be wrapped in cloth. Grave goods included a dagger, personal ornaments including amber and faience beads, shale rings and `incense cups’ with twisted cord decoration (5). Some of the finds are in Devizes Museum (6). One of the barrows, (SU 04 SE 78) also contained an Early Medieval inhumation with a knife.
The barrows and rabbit warren were surveyed by RCHME field staff as part of a project focusing on the earthworks of South Wiltshire. Full details are contained in the archive report. (7)
Scheduled. (8)
The earthwork remains of the Bronze Age barrow cemetery contained within a polygonal Medieval embanked enclosure which were decscribed by the previous authorities were seen centred at SU 0770 4200 and mapped from aerial photographs. The majority of the barrows appear to be in reasonably good condition, some showing evidence of earlier excavations. The two barrows recorded by the SMR as 650 and 652 both lie outside the medieval enclosure. The barrows were recorded as follows:

-NMR SU04SE 71 (SMR 644) at SU 0765 4204, a bowl barrow with diameter of 22m.
-NMR SU04SE 72 (SMR 645) at SU 0765 4200, a bowl barrow with diameter of 24m.
-NMR SU04SE 73 (SMR 646) at SU 0766 4199, 2 confluent bowl barrows.
-NMR SU04SE 74 (SMR 647) at SU 0766 4197, a bowl barrow.
-NMR SU04SE 75 (SMR 648) at SU 0771 4201, a bowl barrow.
-NMR SU04SE 76 (SMR 649) at SU 0771 4197, a bowl barrow with diameter of 26m.
-NMR SU04SE 77 (SMR 650) at SU 0778 4195, a bowl barrow with diameter of 26m.
-NMR SU04SE 78 (SMR 651) at SU 0765 4208, a disc barrow, diameter c. 35m.
-NMR SU04SE 79 (SMR 652) at SU 0775 4197, a disc barrow, diameter c. 30m.
-NMR SU04SE 81 (SMR 654) at SU 0768 4199, a disc barrow, diameter c. 40m.
-NMR SU04SE 82 (SMR 655) at SU 0767 4195, a pond barrow, diameter 14m.
-(SMR 823) at SU 0769 4197, a mound with a diameter of 10m.
These features were mapped at 1:10,000 scale as part of the RCHME: Salisbury Plain Training Area NMP project , and subsequently revised for the English Heritage Stonehenge WHS Mapping Project. (9-11)

( 1) Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 25” 1901
( 2) Field Investigators Comments F1 PAS 12-Dec-1974
( 3) The Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine (E H Goddard) 38, 1913-14 Page(s)368-69
( 4) edited by R B Pugh and Elizabeth Crittall 1957 A history of Wiltshire: volume 1, part 1 The Victoria history of the counties of England Page(s)203, 206, 221, 224
( 5) by Sir Richard Colt Hoare; introduction by Jack Simmons and D D A Simpson 1975 The ancient history of Wiltshire Page(s)113-15
( 6) General reference – Neolithic and Bronze Age Antiquities Devizes Museum 1964 pp 59, 61, 65
( 7) Field Investigators Comments RCHME Field Investigation 20-MAR-1992 (CR Lewis)
( 8) General reference – English Heritage Schedule Entry 13/11/1996
( 9) General reference – RAF CPE/UK/1821 2284-5 04-NOV-1946
(10) General reference – RAF 106G/UK/915 321 11-NOV-1945
(11) General reference – NMR SU 0742/14-15 25-JUL-1980

Sites within 20km of Winterbourne Stoke West Group