
Image of Boyton Down Long Barrow by GLADMAN

The long barrow from upon the round barrow...

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Boyton Down Long Barrow by awrc

Long barrow on Boyton Down – dimly visible through the undergrowth

Image credit: awrc 2004ce


Boyton Down Long Barrow

Not much to see here, alas, although there is an excellent tumulus very nearby. The barrow is adjacent to a road, but obscured by tree and shrub growth all over it.

The MAGIC website has this to say: “The monument includes a long barrow set on the crest of a hill in an area of undulating chalk downland and with extensive views of the Wylye valley to the north and east. The barrow mound is ovoid in shape and orientated east-west. It is 50m long, 20m wide and stands 2m high when viewed from the north. The central area of the barrow mound has been partially excavated in the past although no details are known. Although no longer visible at ground level flanking ditches, from which material was quarried during construction of the monument, run parallel to the north and south sides of the mound. These have become infilled over the years but survive as buried features c.3m wide. The ditch north of the barrow mound lies beneath a metalled track, the surface of which is excluded from the scheduling although the ground beneath is included. The monument may be the `Maeden Beorge’ described in a charter of AD968.”

Sites within 20km of Boyton Down Long Barrow