
Image of Blaen Ganolwyn Fach (Barrow / Cairn Cemetery) by GLADMAN

The quartet of cairns said to feature here are not particularly upstanding – compared with the monsters upon the plateau beyond – but nonetheless worth noting as an hors d’oeuvres.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone


Perhaps one for aficionados only.... if there were not many other substantial cairns in the locale. Bonus site it would be rude not to check out, then?


Blaen Ganolwyn Fach
Barrow / Cairn Cemetery

This small Bronze Age cairn cemetery may well be bypassed – unnoticed – by those (such as they are) heading for the wild delights of Drum Ddu or Garth... and their far more conspicuous prehistoric monuments.... from the south. Yeah, one needed to check the map – and remove a splodge of baked bean (I believe) obscuring the relevant detail – before being sure of the location.

Nonetheless, the three(?) cairns are discernible among the ubiquitous industrial-strength upland grass and, furthermore, the sweeping vista towards South Wales is one to behold before moving on to check out the massive stone piles even I couldn’t miss.

Coflein reckons:

“Two probable and one possible cairn: I – at SN98095991 [is] c.3.7m in diameter and 0.3m high, with a slight central depression; II – at SN98125993, 4.1m in diameter and 0.45m high, with a central depression; III – at SN98135995, c.1.8m in diameter and 0.3m high. It is thought unlikely that these are clearance cairns and the preferred interpretation is that of a cairn cemetery.”
[J.Wiles 24.04.02]

Sites within 20km of Blaen Ganolwyn Fach