Further to my fieldnotes, Coflein has the following for Drygarn Fawr’s two original Bronze Age cairns.... or at least for what lies beneath the massive modern beehives...
Western cairn – SN86315846:
‘The base of a robbed cairn, 8.8m in diameter, for which kerbing has been claimed, but dismissed. A visually dominant ‘beehive’ cairn 5.8m in diameter and 3.7m high, stands upon, and is probably responsible for, its wreck.‘
Eastern cairn – SN86755858:
‘A scant remains of a cairn, 8.8m in diameter and posibly kerbed, is utterly dominated by a large ‘beehive’ cairn, 5.6m in diameter and 2.7m high, constructed upon it.‘
So yeah, although there’s not a great deal of prehistoric structure left – if the truth be told – somehow the modern cairns super-imposed on top actually enhance this mountain top, in my opinion. And at least the bleedin’ hillwalking nerds won’t be building storm shelters in these anytime soon....... Ha!