
Image of Graig Ddu (Y Gamriw North-East Ridge) (Cairn(s)) by GLADMAN

Looking down the ridge toward the cairn at SN95666204, perfectly positioned to be just visible beneath another of Mother Nature’s awesome displays....

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Graig Ddu (Y Gamriw North-East Ridge) (Cairn(s)) by GLADMAN

Toward distant Rhayader... for a Citizen Cairn’d walking the uplands of Wales these hills of the Elenydd are perhaps second only to Pumlumon herself for vibe.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Graig Ddu (Y Gamriw North-East Ridge) (Cairn(s)) by GLADMAN

The cairn at SN95666204.... I didn’t have the stamina to see the third, but this was enough.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Graig Ddu (Y Gamriw North-East Ridge) (Cairn(s)) by GLADMAN

The second cairn – at SN95666204 – under a pretty epic sky.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Graig Ddu (Y Gamriw North-East Ridge) (Cairn(s)) by GLADMAN

The cairn at SN9532617. And some sky.....

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Graig Ddu (Y Gamriw North-East Ridge) (Cairn(s)) by GLADMAN

[Note – this and subsequent images dating from 17th Sept 2012 previously thought lost until re-discovered upon a memory stick buried within a drawer] This is the cairn at SN95326171

Image credit: Robert Gladstone



Graig Ddu (Y Gamriw North-East Ridge)

Travellers walking the length of Graig Ddu, Y Gamriw’s north-eastern ridge, will have the pleasure of visiting a trio of relatively substantial upland cairns in a linear procession. In fact I wouldn’t have minded walking all the way back to Llanwrthwl... if I could have cadged a lift back to the car. As it was I had to settle for visits to cairns I and II – back in September 2012 – before dropping steeply southward down to the road. Although on second thoughts ‘settle’ is hardly appropriate in the circumstances, not with the robust Y Elenydd weather patterns seeing fit to illuminate the otherwise uncompromisingly hostile sky with wondrous lightshows of indescribable intensity. Not to mention subject me to a good dowsing or three. Needless to say images and/or comment regarding cairn III would be most welcome.

Oh, the technical bit. Coflein’s data are thus:

Graig Ddu I – (SN95326171): “A mountain ridge-top cairn, 12.5m by 13.4m and 0.9m high, the centrally much disturbed.” [RCAHMW AP965026/66; J.Wiles 16.09.03]

Graig Ddu II – (SN95666204): “...14.9m by 13.1m and 1.0m high, having a contiguous platform, 5.0m wide and 0.3m high, on the NE.” [RCAHMW AP965026/67; J.Wiles 17.09.03]

Graig Ddu III – (SN95986255): “Cairn on E edge of mountain ridge, 8.5m in diameter and 0.5m high, of which it is thought only the base remains. A modern sheepshelter occupies the NW area” [J.Wiles 23.04.02]

Sites within 20km of Graig Ddu (Y Gamriw North-East Ridge)