
Image of Beili Hwlyn Barrows (Round Barrow(s)) by Kammer

Taken 25th May 2004: The western of the two barrows, viewed from the east.

Image credit: Simon Marshall


Beili Hwlyn Barrows

Visited 28.8.13

The Barrow on the western side of the road is easy enough to spot as a rough ‘mound’. It is right next to the road – the other side of a fence.

The Barrow on the eastern side is a lot more difficult to spot. I think I saw it as a low ‘bump’ in the field – approximately 1m high x 10m across. It is opposite a barn full of horses and has been cut in half by a field hedge.
If this was the Barrow of course?

Beili Hwlyn Barrows

Visited 25th May 2004: The western of the two barrows is right by the road, so easy to spot. It’s on the wrong side of a fence, so if you wanted to crawl all over it you would have a problem, but just looking at it is easy enough.

The eastern barrow is on private land, and I couldn’t spot it from the road (it was a half hearted attempt to be honest). Not worth an enormous detour, but worth seeing if you’re passing by.

Sites within 20km of Beili Hwlyn Barrows