Details of barrows on Pastscape
3 Bronze Age bowl barrows located on Charlton Down 860 metres east of Netherley Farm and surviving remnant of a larger round barrow cemetery which has been mainly levelled by ploughing. Scheduled.
This group has been reduced by ploughing in recent years but five are still surveyable.
`A’ is 14.0m in diameter by 0.6 metres in height
`B’ is 12.0m in diameter by 0.3 metres in height
`C’ has been reduced to a mound 16 metres in diameter by 1.1 metres in height. The ditch has been almost completely ploughed out and the apparent `berm’ is probably due to the removal of the edges of the barrow by ploughing.
`D’ is 10 metres in diameter by 0.4 in height.
`E’ is an irregularly shaped mound measuring 23 metres from north to south and 12 metres from east to west by 0.3 metres in height.
`F’ – `J’ have now been almost completely ploughed out but are visible as slight mounds of flint.
Five barrows extant as follows:
A. SU 7340 1498. Diameter 12 metres Height 0.6 metres
B. SU 7340 1496. Diameter 10 metres by 14 metres. Height 0.3 metres.
C. SU 7341 1493. Diameter 16 metres. Height 1.1 metres
D. SU 73451488. Diameter 7.5 metres. Height 0.4 metres
E. SU 73381487. 22.0m. by 14 metres. Height 0.3 metres
A group of round barrows on the highest part of Charlton Down. They are presumably Bronze Age but the possibility of Saxon activity cannot be ruled out in view of the proximity of Chalton Down Saxon village (SU 73 SW 33).
a. An oval mound, probably twin barrows, ploughed but as high and conspicuous as circa 20 paces, height 2 feet 6 inches
b. Smaller ploughed mound, diameter 15 paces, height 2 feet.
c. Unploughed barrow. Diameter including remnant of ditch 21paces, height 3 feet. (The configuration and dimensions of these three barrows strongly suggest that the NGR, SU 734 150 and map given on the record form are incorrect and that the scheduling should apply to barrows A, B and C of this group).