
Image of Achnagarron (Standing Stones) by A R Cane

The two surviving standing stones of what may, or may not, have been a circle. The number of large recumbents scattered around certainly gives the feel of a ruined circle and the open situation with views all around on a flattish bit of upland adds to that. There were also numerous hut circles in the vicinity so it must have been a fairly well populated area once.

Image credit: A R Cane



These stones lie just north of the track to Achnagarron farm, on a small prominence with a lot of other stones lying around. I couldn't discern any real pattern in the other stones, but had the feeling all the time I looked around that these were part of a larger complex. Maybe not, maybe it's just me!

Two fairly solid stones, about 1.5m tall, and orientated roughly NE-SW.

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