Hearing from my friend Sheriff Mackenzie, of Dornoch, of the existence of an ancient fort, with dome-roofed chamber attached, and surrounded by earth-works and a ditch, on the farm of Kintradwell, near Bror, I resolved to take an early opportunity of inspecting it ..
Leaving further excavations at this locality to a more favourable opportunity.. we next morning held council over the mouth of an underground passage opening in the hill side, about a mile off, and averred by the majority of our men to have been traced to Dunrobin Castle, seven miles away, whilst the utmost concession to our most delicately expressed doubts on the subject, could go no further than to reduce its length to four hundred yards, throughout every inch of which it had positively been followed by the uncle’s wife’s father of one of our party, accompanied by his collie and carrying a candle...
p.lxv in Some Further Notes upon Pre-Historic Hut-Circles
George E. Roberts
Journal of the Anthropological Society of London, Vol. 3. (1865), pp. lx-lxv.