
Image of Ardvannie (Chambered Cairn) by GLADMAN

A traveller did wonder what lay within such turmoil...

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Ardvannie (Chambered Cairn) by GLADMAN

Quite a bit remains of this obscure chambered cairn tucked away beside Ardvannie.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone



Chambered Cairn

This is a pretty substantial chambered cairn hidden away, in light woodland, to the left of a driveway/track accessing equestrian buildings from the A836. Not wishing to look around incognito in such an environment, I duly announced myself at the – to judge by the voices – clearly occupied house... but to no avail. I therefore checked out the monument anyway.

Although overgrown and sylvan, the large cairn possesses a clear chamber... not to mention an evocative, wistful vibe.

According to Canmore: “This Orkney-Cromarty Cairn measures 21m in diameter and 0.9m in height. A polygonal chamber lies to the E of the centre of the cairn.” RCAHMS November 1977.

There is at least another cairn sited a little north, not to mention what, to my mind, are the remains of a fantastically sited hill fort upon Struie Hill to the south. Great views from that ‘un.

Sites within 20km of Ardvannie