Impressive defences for such an impregnable location...
Looking across the ‘citadel’ to Ledmore Wood. Note the industrial-strength gorse which caused me so much hassle ascending from the road to chambered cairn earlier.
As if the exquisite views were not enough.... the archaeology is pretty decent, too, the fort possessing a square ‘citadel’, or proto-keep at the centre.
The visitor is more than adequately recompensed for the ludicrously steep ascent to the fort.... with a majestic vista toward Dornoch Firth.
I had a feeling the trees obscured a pretty steep ascent... but nowhere near as steep as reality. Prospective visitors – and do come if you can – are advised to circle to the right and ascend from there! Here the fort occupies the far left hand section of the ridge.
See descending from Ledmore Wood...
13/07/2014 – Looking across to the vitrified fort on Dun Creich