Alltbreac broch sits on a bracken-surrounded knoll beyond this gate, which gives access to the structure.
Alltbreac broch sits on a bracken-surrounded knoll beyond this gate, which gives access to the structure.
First sighting of some of the impressively large ground level stones, on approaching the broch.
The initial view across the interior of the broch after negotiating the surrounding bracken.
The ground level course is almost complete around the broch and consists of impressively large stones.
A section of the ground level composed of large blocks.
This is a composite image showing the spread of tumbled masonry within Alltbreac broch.
Possibly the terminal section of an intramural gallery.
A possible intramural chamber.
Part of the 4 metre wide broch wall covered by tumble.
Visited: June 13, 2023
Alltbreac broch is located in Dalchork Wood, a short distance north of the town of Lairg. To visit the broch, on entering Lairg from the east follow the A836 Tongue road for approximately 4½ kilometres, and about 200 metres north of the Dalchork Bridge, then follow the forestry track on the right-hand side of the road. There is space to park a vehicle there (marker ‘P’).
maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=58.061,-4.405&markers=size:mid|color:0x000080|label:P|58.06632,-4.41536|&markers=size:mid|color:red|label:B|58.05976,-4.38966&path=color:0xffff00ff|weight:2|58.06632,-4.41536|58.06489,-4.40596|58.06489,-4.40596|58.06298,-4.40184|58.06090,-4.39765|58.05892,-4.39057|58.0597,-4.38966&zoom=14&maptype=hybrid&size=440x420&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyCp6JckL_ykPLQNTeiT2zJYsaR9v2NDwpk" border=1>
At the present time, although most of Dalchork Wood has been clear-felled, the broch is not actually visible from the track. To reach Alltbreac Broch, walk about 1¾ kilometres along this road until you encounter a gate on the left hand side. Through this gate a rough path leads uphill past a drystone enclosure towards a knoll topped by bracken within which stands the broch (marker ‘B’).
The broch measures approximately 10 metres in diameter with walling generally close to 4 metres in width and about one metre in height. It is extremely ruinous, and the interior is a pretty disorganised rubble-pile.The ground level course is impressive and encircles the broch with large boulders, but within, the eye of faith can just about discern what might have been intramural cavities .
Interestingly, Alltbreac broch is not surrounded by a rubble pile: most probably much of the broch debris was harvested long ago to build the neighbouring walled enclosure.