
Image of Alltbreac (Broch) by LesHamilton

Alltbreac broch sits on a bracken-surrounded knoll beyond this gate, which gives access to the structure.

Image credit: Les Hamilton
Image of Alltbreac (Broch) by LesHamilton

First sighting of some of the impressively large ground level stones, on approaching the broch.

Image credit: Les Hamilton
Image of Alltbreac (Broch) by LesHamilton

The initial view across the interior of the broch after negotiating the surrounding bracken.

Image credit: Les Hamilton
Image of Alltbreac (Broch) by LesHamilton

The ground level course is almost complete around the broch and consists of impressively large stones.

Image credit: Les Hamilton
Image of Alltbreac (Broch) by LesHamilton

This is a composite image showing the spread of tumbled masonry within Alltbreac broch.

Image credit: Les Hamilton



Visited: June 13, 2023

Alltbreac broch is located in Dalchork Wood, a short distance north of the town of Lairg. To visit the broch, on entering Lairg from the east follow the A836 Tongue road for approximately 4½ kilometres, and about 200 metres north of the Dalchork Bridge, then follow the forestry track on the right-hand side of the road. There is space to park a vehicle there (marker ‘P’).,-4.405&markers=size:mid|color:0x000080|label:P|58.06632,-4.41536|&markers=size:mid|color:red|label:B|58.05976,-4.38966&path=color:0xffff00ff|weight:2|58.06632,-4.41536|58.06489,-4.40596|58.06489,-4.40596|58.06298,-4.40184|58.06090,-4.39765|58.05892,-4.39057|58.0597,-4.38966&zoom=14&maptype=hybrid&size=440x420&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyCp6JckL_ykPLQNTeiT2zJYsaR9v2NDwpk" border=1>

At the present time, although most of Dalchork Wood has been clear-felled, the broch is not actually visible from the track. To reach Alltbreac Broch, walk about 1¾ kilometres along this road until you encounter a gate on the left hand side. Through this gate a rough path leads uphill past a drystone enclosure towards a knoll topped by bracken within which stands the broch (marker ‘B’).

The broch measures approximately 10 metres in diameter with walling generally close to 4 metres in width and about one metre in height. It is extremely ruinous, and the interior is a pretty disorganised rubble-pile.The ground level course is impressive and encircles the broch with large boulders, but within, the eye of faith can just about discern what might have been intramural cavities .

Interestingly, Alltbreac broch is not surrounded by a rubble pile: most probably much of the broch debris was harvested long ago to build the neighbouring walled enclosure.

Sites within 20km of Alltbreac