
Loch Migdale Crannog

As featured on Time Team in January 2004, here’s a snippet from the RCAHMS record for the site:

At the W end of Loch Migdale, some 60 yards from the shore, is an islet which appears to be artificial. It is formed of boulders laid on clay and is some 63’ in diameter. The loch is shallow towards the landward side, but deep on the outer sides. The island is said to have been occupied in 1630.

Preceeding the excitement of the Time Team excavation here’s what the Channel 4 web site had to say about the site and the programme:

Excavating underwater, the Team, including crannog expert Nick Dixon, has to carefully remove sections of the rubble mound. These are outlined by scaffold poles, which act as guides for the limits of the trenches. The Team concentrates on two areas – one about a metre underwater on the perimeter of the site, and the other just centimetres beneath the surface on the main crannog platform. Waterlogged samples of timber planks and stakes are discovered, which are later dated to the Iron Age and, together with charcoal and bone finds, indicate settlement activity.