
Image of Baldoon (Chambered Cairn) by drewbhoy

You’d want these two stones re-erected wouldn’t you?

Image credit: drew/AMJ



Head north from Stittenham on the B9176, then take the first minor road heading west.

There is a forestry track to the south of the entrance of Easter Baldoon, plenty room to park. Take the steep track down and up to the small farm. I asked permission to jump the fence and head north, once again the owner had no clue what I was talking about, the chamber cairn up beyond the fence only a few hundred metres away.

He didn’t know where or what the site was, he isn’t alone, others have confused the site to be a fort, it would be a very odd looking fort in an easily attacked place if attacking from the west, north and east.

The afternoon sun and the enhanced colour, because of the snow, made for an already impressive site. Eight stones are still standing, whilst I counted at least another eight fallen. Together they create the two impressive chambers of the Orkney / Cromarty site. Smaller cairn material has been recycled elsewhere but the footprint remains at almost 16m.

A superb site, in the must visit category!

Visited 03/01/2023.

Sites within 20km of Baldoon