


Scotsburn Wood Cairn 3
Chambered Cairn

This is the cairn mentioned by Strathspey in his Scotsburn Wood East notes....

I guess most anywhere else but here the monument – described by the Highland HER as being ‘15.5m in diameter and 1.2m high, truncated in the S by a forestry road’ (MHG14289) – might well be the objective of a primary visit. However in Scotsburn Wood it undertakes the role of a pretty substantial supporting act.

Cheers to Mr Grant for opening a shaft to this rich seam of Scottish prehistory. As is usually the case within forestry, I struggled to find anything .... but a combination of 1:25k map, compass and luck won out in the end. Persevere, for there is true vibe to be experienced at the monuments here, my friends.

Sites within 20km of Scotsburn Wood Cairn 3