Pant Clyd

Next to Pant Clyd Farm – off the A494 – south west of Llyn Tegid (Bala Lake)

‘Drive by’ 7.4.2016

The cairn is situated in a field next to the farm house. For a close-up look you will need to ask permission from the landowner but the cairn is visible from the road if you are in a ‘high up’ vehicle – 4x4 etc. I was having a lift in a transit van so was able to see over the hedge. I have previously failed to spot the cairn when driving past in my car due to said hedge. There is nowhere to park other than at the farm.
The cairn is visible as a low stony mound with a large tree growing out of its northern edge. I would estimate the cairn is approximately 1m high x 10m across. But this was viewed from a distance whilst driving as slow as possible along a busy road so my measurements may not be that accurate!

Strangely COFLEIN has no comment to make although the cairn is marked on the O/S map.