21st March 2012
21st March 2012
21st March 2012
21st March 2012
21st March 2012
There are two Stone Pairs and a three stone row here at Keilnascarta. They are in a line NNW-SSE and are all in different fields.
The three stone row is the middle of the three.
Aligned NE-SW, only two of the stones are still upright. The NE stone laying prostrate.
A Hawthorn tree has grown up the middle stone.
All the stones are of a similar height.
Access for this and the NW pair is nice and easy.
Coming from Bantry about 100 yards before the Ballydehob turning there are two bungalows on the left. A small bohreen runs up between them past a farmhouse. The Row is in the field to the right and the stone pair in the field to the left.
Ask at the bungalow on the right or the farmhouse.