

Walterstone Camp

I tried to visit this site two years ago with little success. I was in the area to look at the Walterstone Motte and Baily castle and thought while I was in the area I would check the hillfort out – as you do! I followed the narrow lane up to Grove Farm to ask for permission but was told the land belonged to a house on th eopposite side of the hillfort. I drove round to the house identified only to be told the land belonged to Grove Farm and I would have to ask there! In the end I gave up!!

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Walterstone Camp

From “Herefordshire Register of Countryside Treasures” (1981 H&WCC):

Walterstone Camp and Chapel Site

Circular hill fort of Iron-age. Occupies 17 ha. (4.25 acres) on NW side of Monnow Valley.

3 impressive ramparts covered with woodland and the interior is a neglected garden. Entrances at NE and SW cutting through the ramparts.


1/2 mile E of St. Mary’s Parish Church at the end of spur: public footpath along north side.

Adjacent is the site of a chapel supposed to have been dedicated to St Ailsworth.

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Sites within 20km of Walterstone Camp